Today, young people need to be more adaptable than ever before. They need to be prepared to change career direction in response to opportunities and to learn new skills throughout their working lives. In other words, they need to be enterprising. Junior Achievement’s Company Programme gives over a hundred students each year the opportunity to prepare for their working life through the experience of running their own company, supported by a volunteer business mentor.

Click here for the latest impact report.

Students aged 16 to 18, generally in Year 12, set up and run their company over the course of one academic year. They raise share capital, develop, market and finance a product or service. Students gain experience in the real world, taking responsibility and being accountable to their shareholders for the running of the business. At the end of the programme, companies from all over the Island have the opportunity to compete in the National Finals to select the company that will represent the Isle of Man at the European Company of the Year Competition.

As a result of running a Junior Achievement Company, students gain:

  • Understanding how a business works and how wealth and employment are created.
  • The ability to work in a team.
  • Improved communication skills.
  • More enthusiasm and self-confidence.
  • A willingness to take responsibility and initiative.
  • Time management skills.
  • Experience in essential business functions such as marketing, financial management, sales, customer care and personnel management.
Visit the Company Programme Site

I am thankful for the opportunity JA has provided, and I believe that the Company Programme will continue to succeed in the future.

St Ninian's High School Student

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