This is the time when your company should focus on running your business and be free from other distractions. Past students have told us that too often they discussed action points at their meetings but did not follow through. This meant that as the programme went on, they found themselves under pressure trying to balance the Company Programme with their studies.

Weekly meetings
- The key to running a successful business is to make sure that every team member is contributing.
- Each week the Company Secretary should prepare an agenda of items to be discussed. They should also make a record of action points and who is responsible for them. See the sample agenda and minutes at the bottom of the page.
- The Managing Director or Team Leader should review these action points at each meeting to ensure they have been completed. If they have not been completed, then they should be carried forward to the next meeting.
- If a Managing Director or adviser feels that a team member is underperforming or not contributing to the company, they have the right to address the problem with the support of Junior Achievement. Please see the tab marked ‘Student Behaviour’ for more details.